冯涛 (教授、博士生导师)
民 族:汉
电 话:15827269869
1. 2020/1-至今,15vip太阳集团官网,药学院,教授,博士生导师
2. 2019/7-2020/6,德国莱布尼兹汉诺威大学,访问学者
3. 2015/7-2019/12,15vip太阳集团官网,药学院,副教授,硕士生导师
4. 2010/7-2015/6,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室,副研究员
5. 2005/9–2010/6,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,硕博连读,药物化学,博士
6. 2000/9–2004/7,西南大学,学士
1. 药用植物化学成分的结构与功能
2. 真菌天然产物的结构与功能。主要研究特色为真菌特有天然产物的结构、功能及其生物合成。
国家民委中青年英才;中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖;15vip太阳集团官网第七届三育人标兵;中国科学院院长优秀奖;中国科学院青年创新促进会会员;分获云南省自然科学奖励一、二等奖;Natural Products and Bioprospecting期刊编委;中国菌物学会菌物化学专业委员会副主任;湖北省药学会药化专委会委员
从事药用植物、真菌天然产物及其功能研究。聚焦真菌特有天然产物的结构及其功能,尤其是真菌特有聚酮和萜类分子,发现具有独特结构的抗炎活性分子“口蘑三萜”,发现具有显著镇痛活性的真菌特有二萜等。获得新的天然产物700余个,多个分子被评为研究热点。主持国家自然科学基金、省部级项目等科研基金13项,在Org Lett,J Org Chem,J Nat Prod,J Agri Food Chem等多种学术期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表研究论文160余篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2022):真菌特有guanacastane型二萜结构及其镇痛作用研究(22277147),主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2018):“口蘑三萜”的挖掘及其抗炎作用研究(81872762),主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金项目(2011):四种有毒高等真菌毒性成分挖掘及毒性评价(81102346),主持。
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金重点培育项目:口蘑属三萜分子抗炎先导化合物的发现,主持。
1. Juan He, Jiao-Xian Du, Qian-Ru Zhao, Ya-Pei Liu, Yan-Long Yang,* Ji-Kai Liu,* Tao Feng*. Biochemical and genetic basis of guanacastane diterpene biosynthesis in basidiomycete fungi. Organic Letters 2023, 25, 5345-5349.
2. Jing Li, Wen-Xuan Wang, Zheng-Hui Li, Juan He, Rong Huang, Yong-Sheng Zheng, Lan-Qing Li, Xian Wang, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Xylaridines C and D, unusual thiopyranodipyridine alkaloids from the fungus Xylaria longipes. Organic Letters 2019, 21, 6145−6148.
3. Jing Li, Wen-Xuan Wang, He-Ping Chen, Zheng-Hui Li, Juan He, Yong-Sheng Zheng, Huan Sun, Rong Huang, Qing-Xia Yuan, Xian Wang, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. (±)-Xylaridines A and B, highly conjugated alkaloids from the fungus Xylaria longipes. Organic Letters 2019, 21, 1511-1514.
4. Wen-Xuan Wang, Xin-Xiang Lei, Hong-Lian Ai, Xue Bai, Jing Li, Juan He, Zheng-Hui Li, Yong-Sheng Zheng, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Cytochalasans from the endophytic fungus Xylaria cf. curta with resistance reversal activity against fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans. Organic Letters 2019, 21, 1108−1111.
5. Wen-Xuan Wang, Xin-Xiang Lei, Yan-Ling Yang, Zheng-Hui Li, Hong-Lian Ai, Jing Li,* Tao Feng,* Ji-Kai Liu,* Xylarichalasin A, a halogenated hexacyclic cytochalasan from the fungus Xylaria cf. curta. Organic Letters 2019, 21, 6957-6960.
6. Tao Feng, Kai-Ting Duan, Shi-Jun He, Bin Wu, Yong-Sheng Zheng, Hong-Lian Ai, Zheng-Hui Li, Juan He, Jian-Ping Zuo*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Ophiorrhines A and B, two immunosuppressive monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from Ophiorrhiza japonica. Organic Letters 2018, 20, 7926–7928
7. Wei Li, Juan He, Tao Feng*, Hui-Xiang Yang, Hong-Lian Ai, Zheng-Hui Li, Ji-Kai Liu*. Antroalbocin A, an antibacterial sesquiterpenoid from higher fungus Antrodiella albocinnamomea, Organic Letters 2018, 20, 8019–8021
8. Hui-Xiang Yang, Hong-Lian Ai, Tao Feng*, Wen-Xuan Wang, Bin Wu, Yong-Sheng Zheng, Huan Sun, Juan He, Zheng-Hui Li, Ji-Kai Liu*. Trichothecrotocins A–C, antiphytopathogenic agents from potato endophytic fungus Trichothecium crotocinigenum. Organic Letters 2018, 20, 8069–8072
9. Tao Feng, Xue-Mei Li, Jun He, Hong-Lian Ai, He-Ping Chen, Xiao-Nian Li, Zheng-Hui Li, and Ji-Kai Liu, Nicotabin A, a sesquiterpenoid derivative from Nicotiana tabacum. Organic Letters 2017, 19, 5201−5203.
10. Tao Feng, Yan Li, Ya-Ping Liu, Xiang-Hai Cai, Yuan-Yuan Wang, and Xiao-Dong Luo, Melotenine A, a cytotoxic monoterpenoid indole alkaloid from Melodinus tenuicaudatus, Organic Letters 2010, 12(5), 968-971.
11. Tao Feng, Xiang-Hai Cai, Yan Li, Yuan-Yuan Wang, Ya-Ping Liu, Ming-Jin Xie, and Xiao-Dong Luo, Melohenines A and B, two unprecedented alkaloids from Melodinus henryi, Organic Letters 2009, 11(21), 4834-4837.
12. Jin-Tao Ma, Xin-Yue Dong, Zheng-Hui Li, He Yan, Juan He,* Ji-Kai Liu,* Tao Feng*. Antibacterial metabolites from kiwi endophytic fungus Fusarium tricinctum, a potential biocontrol strain for kiwi canker disease. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2023, 71, 7679-7688.
13. Hong-Lian Ai, Bao-Bao Shi, Wei Li, Juan He, Zheng-Hui Li, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Bipolarithizole A, an antifungal phenylthiazole-sativene merosesquiterpenoid from the potato endophytic fungus Bipolaris eleusines. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2022, 9, 1814-1918.
14. Ying Huang, Shuai-Bing Zhang, He-Ping Chen, Zhen-Zhu Zhao, Zhong-Yu Zhou, Zheng-Hui Li, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. New acetylenic acids and derivatives from the edible mushroom Craterellus lutescens (Cantharellaceae). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017, 65, 3835−3841.
15. He-Ping Chen, Zhen-Zhu Zhao, Zheng-Hui Li, Ying Huang, Shuai-Bing Zhang, Yang Tang, Jian-Neng Yao, Lin Chen, Masahiko Isaka, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*, Anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory lanostane triterpenoids from the Polish edible mushroom Macrolepiota procera. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2018, 66, 3146-3154.
16. Tao Feng, Jin-Long Cai, Xue-Mei Li, Zhong-Yu Zhou, Zheng-Hui Li, and Ji-Kai Liu, Chemical constituents and their bioactivities of mushroom Phellinus rhabarbarinus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64, 1945−1949.
17. Tao Feng, Jia Su, Zhi-Hui Ding, Yong-Tang Zheng, Yan Li, Ying Leng, and Ji-Kai Liu, Chemical constituents and their bioactivities of “Tongling White Ginger” (Zingiber officinale), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2011, 59, 11690-11695.
18. Shuai-bing Zhang, Ying Huang, Shi-jun He, He-ping Chen, Bin Wu, Shan-yong Li, Zhen-zhu Zhao, Zheng-hui Li, Xian Wang, Jian-ping Zuo, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Heterocyclic compounds from the mushroom Albatrellus confluens and their inhibitions against lipopolysaccharides-induced B lymphocyte cell proliferation. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018, 83, 10158−10165.(二区top)
19. Zhen-Zhu Zhao, He-Ping Chen, Bin Wu, Ling Zhang, Zheng-Hui Li, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Matsutakone and matsutoic acid, two (nor)steroids with unusual skeletons from the edible mushroom Tricholoma matsutake. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2017, 82, 7974−7979. (二区top)
20. Ming-Xuan Gao, Feng Wu, Si-Qiong Teng, He-Ping Chen, Zheng-Hui Li, Juan He,* Tao Feng,* Ji-Kai Liu*. Triquinane sesquiterpene glycosides from the basidiomycete Antrodiella zonata. Journal of Natural Products 2023, 86, 1736-1745.
21. Bao-bao Shi, Hong-Lian Ai, Kai-Ting Duan, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Ophiorrhines F and G, key biogenetic intermediates of ophiorrhine alkaloids from Ophiorrhiza japonica and their immunosuppressant activities. Journal of Natural Products 2022, 85, 453-457.
22. Juan He, Rui Ma, Zheng-Hui Li, Tao Feng*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Taccachatrones A−G, highly oxidized steroids from the rhizomes of Tacca chantrierii and their cytotoxicity assessment. Journal of Natural Products 2021, 84, 2265−2271.
23. Meng Wang, Jiao-Xian Du, Yang Hui-Xiang, Quan Dai, Ya-Pei Liu, Juan He, Yi Wang, Zheng-Hui Li, Tao Feng,* Ji-Kai Liu*. Sesquiterpenoids from cultures of the basidiomycetes Irpex lacteus. Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83, 1524-1531.
24. Ya-Pei Liu, Quan Dai, Wen-Xuan Wang, Juan He, Zheng-Hui Li, Tao Feng,* Ji-Kai Liu, Psathyrins: antibacterial diterpenoids from Psathyrella candolleana. Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83, 1725-1729.
25. Tao Feng, Xiao-Qing Gan, Yun-Li Zhao, Shuai-Bing Zhang, He-Ping Chen, Juan He, Yong-Sheng Zheng, Huan Sun, Rong Huang, Zheng-Hui Li*, Ji-Kai Liu*. Tricholopardins A and B, anti-inflammatory terpenoids from the fruiting bodies of Tricholoma pardinum. Journal of Natural Products 2019, 82, 45−50.
26. Tao Feng, Xiang-Hai Cai, Ya-Ping Liu, Yan Li, Yuan-Yuan Wang, Xiao-Dong Luo, Melodinines A–G, monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from Melodinus henryi, Journal of Natural Products 2010, 73, 22-26.
27. Tao Feng, Yan Li, Yuan-Yuan Wang, Xiang-Hai Cai, Ya-Ping Liu, Xiao-Dong Luo, Cytotoxic indole alkaloids from Melodinus tenuicaudatus,Journal of Natural Products 2010, 73, 1075-1079.
28. Tao Feng, Yan Li, Xiang-Hai Cai, Xun Gong, Ya-Ping Liu, Rong-Ting Zhang, Xiang-Yun Zhang, Qin-Gang Tan and Xiao-Dong Luo, Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from Alstonia yunnanensis, Journal of Natural Products 2009, 72, 1836-1841.
29. Fa-Lei Zhang, Tao Feng*. Diterpenes specially produced by fungi: Structures, biological activities and biosynthesis (2010–2020). Journal of Fungi 2022, 8, 244.
30. Quan Dai, Fa‐Lei Zhang, Tao Feng*. Sesquiterpenoids specially produced by fungi: structures, biological activities, chemical and biosynthesis (2015–2020). Journal of Fungi 2021, 7, 1026.
1. 冯涛、刘吉开、李正辉,口蘑菌素甲及其制备方法与应用、口蘑菌素乙及其制备方法与应用, ZL201810010131.6
2. 冯涛、刘吉开、何隽、李正辉、石晨,口蘑三萜化合物、其制备方法、提取物及其应用, ZL202010980531.7
3. 冯涛、刘吉开、杨会祥,一种二萜类衍生物及其制备方法与镇痛药物、小脆柄菇发酵得物及其乙酸乙酯萃取液,ZL202210290942.2