Dao Zhou, Dong He, Qingming Luo and Yanhong Zhou. ModuleNet: An R package on regulatory network building, Chinese Science Bulletin (出版中, SCI)
Dao Zhou, Christoph Müssel, Ludwig Lausser, Martin Hopfensitz, Michael Kühl, Hans A. Kestler. Boolean networks for modeling and hypothesis generation in gene regulatory networks, Ulmer Informatik-Berichte, Technical Report, University of Ulm, Germany, 2009-10
周到,何东,周艳红.从microarray时序表达数据识别周期表达基因,生物信息学, 2008, 6(2): 78-80
Dong He*, Dao Zhou* and Yanhong Zhou. Identifying transcription factor targets using enhanced Bayesian classifier. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2007, 31(5-6): 355-360(并列第一作者, SCI)
Dao Zhou, Dong He and Yanhong Zhou. Identifying periodically expressed genes using time-coursed expression data. GETS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. 2006, 34(1): 164-178
(作者 : 喻胜辉
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