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12022.11-2025.12, 浙江温岭和泰水产有限公司, HZY22119甲壳类废弃物提炼生物活性物质的研究及开发

22014.01-2017.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370306,水杨酸应答新基因 OsAAA-ATPase-1 在水稻广谱抗病反应中的分子机理研究。


42014.01-2016.12,国家重大项目转基因专项 (子课题),2014ZX0800904B,稻瘟病广谱抗性基因的克隆及其应用。



7 2007.01-2009.12,国家自然科学青年基金项目30600400,稻瘟病抗性基因Pi36的结构及其功能研究。








2008,The in Silico map-based cloning of Pi36, a rice coiled-coil-nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat gene that confers race-specific resistance to the blast fungus,湖北省第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,湖北省科技厅


1. Yanping Tan, Shiqi Deng, Yonghua Qin, Xin Xu, You Yu, Liu Cui, Chuntai Wang,    Changjie Jiang*, Xinqiong Liu*. Evaluation of Medicinal Plant Extracts for the Control of Rice Blast Disease. Rice Science, 2023, 30(1): 6-10.

2. Yanping Tan, Xiaolin Yang, Minghao Pei, Xin Xu, Chuntai Wang, Xinqiong Liu*. A Genome-wide Survey of Interaction between Rice and Magnaporthe oryzae via Microarray AnalysisBioengineered2021, 12(1):108-116

3. Xinqiong Liu#, HaruhikoInoue#, Xianying Tang,Yanping Tan, Xin Xu, Chuntai Wang, Changjie Jiang*. Rice OsAAA-ATPase1 is induced during blast infection in a salicylic acid-dependent manner, and promotes blast fungus resistance. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(4):1443-1459

4. Yahong Chen, Kang Dai, Hua Zhang, Yunhua. Wu, Chuntai Wang, Xuequn Liu, Xinqiong Liu. Spectroscopic and molecular docking study on the interaction between salicylic acid and the induced disease-resistant protein OsAAA1 of rice. 2017, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 173, 1001–1006

5. Xinqiong Liu#, Haruhiko Inoue#, Nagao Hayashi, Chang-Jie Jiang, and Hiroshi Takatsuji . CC-NBS-LRR-TypeR Proteins for Rice Blast Commonly Interact with Specific WRKY Transcription Factors, Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2015, 34: 533-537. (IF2015=1.66)

6. Lixia Hua, L Q Liang, He X Y, Wang L, Zhang W S, Liu W, Xinqiong Liu, Fei Lin. Development of a marker specific for the rice blast resistance gene Pi39 in the Chinese cultivar Q15 and its use in genetic improvement. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2015, 29(3), 448-456

7.  Debing Wang, Yonghua Qin, Jinluan Han, Zhang L, Xin Xu X, Xinqiong Liu , Chuntai Wang and Xinqiong Liu. Expression analysis of innate immunity related genes in the true/field blast resistance gene-mediated defence response. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2014, 28(6), 999-1007.

8. Han J L, Zhang X M, Zhang D, Liu X Q, Wang C T and Xinqiong Liu. Expression analysis of OsbZIP transcription factors in resistance response by the rice blast resistance gene Pi36-mediated. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, 12(34): 5294-5302

9. Jiang C J, Shimono M, Sugano S, Kojima M, Xinqiong Liu, Inoue H, Sakakibara H, Takatsuji H*. Cytokinins act synergistically with salicylic acid to activate defense gene expression in rice, Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 26(3):287-296, 2013

10. Inoue H, Hayashi N, Matsushita A, Xinqiong Liu, Nakayamab A, Sugano S, Jiang C J and Takatsuji H. Blast resistance of CC-NB-LRR protein Pb1 is mediated by WRKY45 through protein-protein interaction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013,  110(23):9577–9582

11. He X Y#, Xinqiong Liu#, Wang L, Lin F, Cheng Y S, Chen Z M, Liao Y P, Pan Q H. Identification of the novel recessive gene pi55(t) conferring resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae. Sci China Life Sci, 2012, 55:141-9

12. Xinqiong Liu, Zhang D, Zhang X M, Wang C T, Liu X Q, Tan Y P, Wu Y H. Study on the interaction between Methyl asmonate and the coiled-coil domain of rice blast resistance protein Pi36 by spectroscopic methods. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2012, 88:72–76

13. Xinqiong Liu Wei J L, Zhang J C, Wang C T, Liu X Q, Zhang X M, Wang L, Pan Q H. Genetic variation of rice blast resistance genes in oryza sativa and its wild relatives. Int J Plant Sci, 2011, 172(8):970–979

14. Chen S#, Xinqiong Liu#, Zeng L X, Ouyang D M, Yang J Y, Zhu X Y. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a novel recessive gene xa34(t) for resistance against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae. Theor Appl Genet, 2011, 122:1331–1338

15. Xinqiong Liu, Li Y, Wang L Y, Liu X, Wang C, Wang L, Pan Q H. The effect of the rice blast resistance gene Pi36 on the expression of disease resistance-related genes. Chinese Sci Bull, 2010, 55: 1881-1888

16. Xinqiong Liu, Wang L, Wang C, Liu X, Wang D, Lin F, Pan QH. The molecular evolution of the rice blast resistance gene Pi36. Int J Plant Sci, 2010, 171(3):235–243.

17. Xinqiong Liu, Yang Q Z, Wang L, Hua L X, Lin F and Pan Q H. Identification and fine mapping of Pi39(t), a major gene conferring the broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae. Mol Genet Genomics, 2007, 278: 403–410

18. Xinqiong Liu, Lin FWang L and Pan Q H. The in Silico map-based cloning of Pi36, a rice coiled-coil–nucleotide-binding site–leucine-rich repeat gene that confers race-specific resistance to the blast fungusGenetics, 2007176: 2541–2549

19. Lin F, Chen S, Que Z, Wang L, Xinqiong Liu, Pan Q. The blast resistance gene Pi37 encodes a nucleotide binding site leucine-rich repeat protein and is a member of a resistance gene cluster on rice chromosome 1. Genetics, 2007, 177: 1871-80

20. Lin F, Liu Y G, Wang L, Xinqiong Liu, Pan Q H. A high-resolution map of the rice blast resistance gene Pi15 was constructed by sequence-ready markers. Plant Breeding, 2007, 126: 287-290

21. Xinqiong Liu, Wang L, Chen S, Lin F and Pan Q H. Genetic and physical mapping of Pi36(t), a novel rice blast resistance gene located on rice chromosome 8. Mol Genet Genomics, 2005, 274: 394-401

22.陈佳莹 宋斯敏 王春台 刘新琼. 稻瘟病新抗性基因Pi39候选基因Pi39E长片段载体的构建. 分子植物育种,2019,17( 9): 2882- 2885

23. 张旺, 陈佳莹, 王春台, 刘新琼.水稻诱导抗病基因OsAAA1 启动子构建体的遗传转化与诱导表达. 分子植物育种,2018,16(21):7021-7026

24. 邓霄霄, 刘早利, 王春台, 刘新琼, 水稻OsAAA1 基因启动子的分离与克隆. 分子植物育种, 2017,15(8): 827-831

25. 刘早利, 陈亚红, 王春台, 刘新琼. 稻瘟病新抗性基因Pi39候选基因CRISPR/Cas9敲除载体的构建. 中国农学通报, 2016, 32(6):91-95

26. 田迪, 刘早利, 陈亚红, 王春台, 刘新琼. 水稻细胞色素P450基因家族成员CYP81A6基因RNAi载体构建. 分子植物育种,2016, 14(2): 370-373

27. 刘新琼,徐玮玉,刘早利,陈亚红,程钢. 水稻OsAAA1蛋白的原核表达载体构建及可溶性表达研究. 15vip太阳集团官网学报(自然科学版). 2015, 34(2):18-22

28. 袁坤, 张丹, 刘新琼,张向明. 实时荧光定量PCR反应体系的优化研究. 广东农业科学, 2013, 40(4):134-136





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