王维峰 简历
姓名 |
王维峰 |
性别 |
男 |
系所 |
统计学教研室 |
职称 |
副教授 |
Email |
wwf87487643@163.com |
主讲课程 |
高等数学、线性代数、概率论、抽样调查 |
研究方向 |
随机动力系统,最优控制 |
王维峰,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,统计学教研室主任。2013年毕业于华中科技大学,获理学博士学位。主要从事随机微分方程理论与应用,最优控制理论及其应用。近年来在ISA Transactions、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、Applied Mathematics Letters、Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society、International Journal of Control等国际权威期刊上发表多篇学术论文。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,湖北省自然科学基金项目1项。
2022/3 -至今,15vip太阳集团官网,数学与统计学学院,副教授
2013/6 - 2022/2,15vip太阳集团官网,数学与统计学学院,讲师
2008/9 - 2013/6,华中科技大学,概率论与数理统计,博士
2004/9 - 2008/6,华中科技大学,数学与应用数学,学士
1. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,202002112020,大数据专业实验教学课程体系的建设,2020/12-2021/12,5万,已结题,主持
2. 15vip太阳集团官网校级重点教研项目,JYZD21025,大数据时代应用统计人才培养模式的改革与实践,2021/6-2023/5,2万,已结题,主持
3. 15vip太阳集团官网校级一般教研项目,JYX19073,数据科学与大数据技术专业建设的研究,2019/6-2021/5,2万,已结题,主持
[1] Weifeng Wang, Heping Gu, Jun Mei, Junhao Hu. Output information-based intermittent optimal control for continuous-time nonlinear systems with unmatched uncertainties via adaptive dynamic programming,ISA Transactions, 2024.
[2] Jun Mei , Sixin Wang , Xiaohua Xia , Weifeng Wang. An Economic Model Predictive Control for Knowledge Transmission Processes in Multilayer Complex Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2024,54(3):1442-1455.
[3] Weifeng Wang, Lin Huang, Jun Mei. Intermittent control and synchronization of singular complex dynamic networks with time-varying delays, Journal of South-Central Minzu University(Natural Science Edition), 2024,43(1):138-144..
[4] Zhongkai Guo ,Yong Xu, Weifeng Wang,Junhao Hu. Averaging principle for stochastic differential equations with monotone condition. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2022,125:107705.
[5] Weifeng Wang, Lei Yan, Shuaibin Gao, Junhao Hu. The truncated theta-EM method for nonlinear and nonautonomous hybrid stochastic differential delay equations with Poisson jumps. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021, doi: 10.1155/2021/2882076.
[6] Heping Ma, Weifeng Wang(通讯作者). Stochastic maximum principle for partially observed risk-sensitive optimal control problems of mean-field forward-backward stochastic differential equations. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2021, doi: 10.1002/oca.2833.
[7] Weifeng Wang, Heping Ma. Global boundedness and asymptotic behavior in a chemotaxis model with indirect signal absorption and generalized logistic source. Mathematica Applicata , 2021, 34(4) : 999~1008.
[8] Zhongkai Guo, Shuilin Cheng, Weifeng Wang(通讯作者). Additive and multiplicative noise excitability of stochastic partial differential equations. Mathematica Applicata, 2019, 32(3) : 659~663.
[9] Zhongkai Guo, Xingjie Yan, Weifeng Wang, Xianming Liu. Approximate the dynamical behavior for stochastic systems by Wong–Zakai approaching. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2018(457) : 214~232.
[10] Weifeng Wang, Baobin Wang, Huaikui Yang. The maximum principle for a stochastic optimal control system in the absence of linear structure. Mathematica Applicata, 2017, 30(2) : 445~456.
[11] Hao Wu, Weifeng Wang, Zhongkai Guo. Generalized anticipated backward stochastic differential equations driven by Brownian motion and continuous increasing process. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2017, doi:10.1080/03610918.2017.1291966.
[12] Weifeng Wang, Baobin Wang. Existence of the optimal control for stochastic boundary control problems governed by semilinear parabolic equations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, doi: /10.1155/2014/534604.
[13] Weifeng Wang, Bin Liu. Necessary conditions for backward doubly stochastic control system. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013, 1(2):260-272.
[14] Weifeng Wang, Bin Liu. Second-order Taylor expansion for backward doubly stochastic control system. International Journal of Control, 2013, 86(5): 942-952.
[15] Weifeng Wang, Bin Liu. A maximum principle for optimal control system with endpoint constraints. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2012, doi: 10.1186/1029-242X-2012-231.
[1].王维峰,胡军浩. 新工科背景下民族高校线性代数概念教学设计探究,湖南科技学院学报,2023,44(5):96-101.
[2].王维峰,胡军浩. 民族院校应用统计人才培养模式的改革与研究,科教导刊,2022,33:67-69.
[3].王维峰. 大数据时代抽样调查课程教学改革的思考及建议,中外企业家,2020,8:158-159.
[4].王维峰,罗敬. 民族院校数据科学与大数据技术专业申报与建设的探索,中国新通信,2020, 5:133-135.
[5].王维峰,杨怀奎. 高校学生网上评教研究与反思,绿色科技,2016,09: 225-227.
[6]. 汪宝彬,杨怀奎,王维峰. 大数据背景下的统计制度与方法变革,统计与决策,2017,14:2+191.
[7]. 廖锐,文艺菲,莫静怡,秦健超,王维峰(通讯). 论九阡酒品牌文化的形成和发展,西江文艺,2017,01:147+154.