In a move to promote academic exchange and broaden global perspectives, the School of Economics welcomed Professor Choi Baek Ryul, Vice President of Chonbuk National University, for an insightful lecture on March 22nd. The lecture, titled “CSR, CSV, ESG”, was chaired by Meng Qinglei and attended by faculty representatives and graduate students.

Drawing from vivid case studies, Prof. Choi expounded on corporate social responsibility (CSR) against the backdrop of globalization. He then delved into creating shared value (CSV) and the environmental protection, social responsibility and governance (ESG) impacts of corporations. Citing numerous real-world examples, Prof. Choi underscored ESG’s rising importance in capital markets, international trade, and national competitiveness.

Adopting a global perspective, Prof. Choi delved into strategies for corporate growth and trade development with unique insights and profound knowledge. His riveting lecture captivated faculty and students, sparking keen interest and lively discussions on Chinese firms’ ESG strategies, ESG implementation amid economic instability, as well as ESG ratings and management of Chinese multinationals in South Korea. Prof. Choi provided valuable academic guidance to those present.
Against the backdrop of carbon peaking and neutrality, the lecture traced the historical and pragmatic development of CSR, CSV and ESG concepts. This offered new analytical frameworks on environmental governance, international investment and trade issues, broadening professional horizons across relevant disciplines. The Economics School vows to nurture a vibrant research climate by facilitating ongoing exchanges with prestigious domestic and global experts to enhance academic standards and drive growth.
Guest Speaker Profile: Choi Baek Ryul is the Vice President of Chonbuk National University, Professor of the School of Commerce, and Doctoral Supervisor. He has been appointed as a foreign expert at Ocean University of China (2002.08-2003.08), an adjunct professor at Zhejiang Ocean University (2017.10-present), an adjunct professor at South-Central Minzu University (2013.11-2015.11), and a foreign expert at South-Central Minzu University (2023.09-present). His research areas include international investment, international trade, Chinese commerce, and multinational enterprises. As a China-South Korea friendship expert, Professor Choi Bak-Youl has visited China multiple times as a foreign expert of the Ministry of Science and Technology to conduct lectures, scientific research cooperation, and academic exchanges. He has served in various social positions, including President of the Korean Academy of Business and Economics, President of the Korean Academy of International Business Management, President of the Korean Academy of International Commerce, President of the Korea-China Business Association, Editorial Board Member of the Northeast Asia Economic Research Journal, External Auditor of JTV Jeonju Television, and Guest Commentator for the Chonbuk Daily Newspaper. He has overseen more than 20 international and domestic research projects in South Korea and published over 70 academic papers in Korean, English, and Chinese in domestic and international academic journals.