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姓    名 唐万军
职    称 副教授
单    位

研究方向 材料物理化学与热分析动力学


     唐万军,英文名: Tang Wanjun,男,汉族,副教授,硕士生导师,出生于1972年6月。2004 年进入15vip太阳集团官网,从事物理化学的教学和科研工作。


     Tang Wanjun, Chen Donghua. Photoluminescent Properties of (Ca,Zn)TiO3:Pr,B Particles Synthesized by the Peroxide-Based Route Method. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90 [10] 3156–3159 (2007)
     唐万军, 陈栋华.二水草酸亚铁热分解反应动力学. 物理化学学报. 2007, 23(4): 605- 608

     Tang Wanjun, Chen Donghua. Studies of dehydration kinetics of Li2SO4·H2O by the master plots method. Central European Journal of Chemistry.2007, 5(1): 341-348

     Tang Wanjun. Some comments to the paper of J. Cai et al: New Temperature Integral Approximation for Nonisothermal Kinetics. AIChE Journal. 2006,52(9): 3323-3324.

     Tang Wanjun, Wang Cunxin, Chen Donghua. An investigation of the pyrolytic kinetics of some aliphatic amino acids. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis. 2006, 75: 49–53

     Tang Wanjun, Chen Donghua, Wang Cunxin. Kinetic Study on the Thermal Dehydration of CaCO3·H2O by the Master Plots Method. AIChE Journal. 2006,52(6): 2211-2216.

     Tang Wanjun, Chen Donghua. An integrated method to determine variation in activation energy with extent of conversion. Thermochimica Acta 2005, 433:72–76.

     Tang Wanjun , Wang Cunxin, Chen Donghua. Kinetic studies on the pyrolysis of chitin and chitosan. Polymer Degradation and Stability 2005, 87: 389-394

     Wanjun Tang, Donghua Chen, Zhilan Yang, Aiqing Zhang, Yuhua Peng. Thermal Characterization and Thermal Degradation of Copolyimides Containing Fluorine and Phosphine Oxide. J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2005 98 : 2139-2143.

     唐万军,陈栋华,王利华,袁誉洪.Simultaneous Assay of M etron idazole and Vitam in B6 for Compound Metron idazole Tablets by Us ing UV Spectrophotometry. 15vip太阳集团官网学报(自然科学版) , 2005, 24(3): 13-16

     Tang Wanjun , Liu Yuwen, Yang Xi and Wang Cunxin. Kinetic Studies of Calcination of Ammonium Metavanadate by Thermal Methods. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2004, 43: 2054 – 2059

     唐万军, 杨洗,刘欲文,汪存信. 水合草酸锌热分解反应动力学的主曲线法研究. 武汉大学学报(理学版). 2004 , 50 ( 6 ): 673-677

     Tang Wan-jun , Chen Dong-hua, Sheng Yu-fang. Study on Non-Isothermal Decomposition kinetics of Ephedrini Hydrochloridum. Wuhan University Journal of National Sciences. 2003,8(2): 443-446

     Wanjun, T.; Yuwen, L.; Hen, Z.; Zhiyong, W.; Cunxin, W. New Temperature Integral ?Approximate Formula for Non-isothermal Kinetic Analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry .2003 ,74: 309-315.

     Wanjun, T. ; Yuwen, L.; Hen, Z.; Cunxin, W New Approximate Formula for Arrhenius ?Temperature Integral. Thermochimica Acta 2003, 408(1/2): 39-43
Shengyu Yin, Donghua Chen, Wanjun Tang, Yuhua Peng. Synthesis of CaTiO3:Pr persistent phosphors by a modified solid-state reaction. Materials Science and Engineering: B,2007,136(2/3):193-196
     Xiuhua Wei, Donghua Chen, Wanjun Tang. Preparation and characterization of the spinel oxide ZnCo2O4. Materials Chemistry and Physics 103 (2007) 54–58

Lin Chuanming, Chen Donghua, Tang Wanjun, Peng Yuhua. Synthesis of MgNi2O3 and kinetics of thermal decomposition of the oxalate precursor. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis. 2006, 75, 240–244
     Lihua Wang, Qingyu Xu, Donghua Chen, Yuhong Yuan, Wanjun Tang, Laoli Wang. Thermal and Physical Properties of Allyl PPO and Its Composite. J Appl Polym Sci 2006,102: 4111–4115.

     Chen Donghua, Huang Lianrong, Tang Wanjun. Preparation and Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Nanosized CuC2O4-ZnC2O4·2H2O. Wuhan University Journal of National Sciences. 2006,11(3): 667-671

     闪海威,陈栋华,唐万军. MC2O4(M=Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn)的热力学及其热分析动力学. 物理化学学报. 2005, 21(9):1001-1005

     Guan Cunxiu, Chen Donghua, Tang Wanjun, Liu Changhua. Properties and Thermal Degradation Study of Blend Films with Poly(4-Vinylpyridine) and Lignin. J Appl Polym Sci 2005,97: 1875–1879,


电    话 027-67842752   E-mail tangmailbox@163.com 

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