姓 名 : 谢光勇
职 称 : 教授
单 位 :15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料科学学院
学科专业 :高分子化学
学者简介:谢光勇,博士,教授,博士生导师。中国化学会会员,国家民委中青年英才人选,湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程人选,武汉市青年科技晨光计划人选,湖北省化学化工学会橡塑专业委员会委员,国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家,湖北省科技厅和武汉市科技局会评专家。1994年本科毕业于武汉大学化学系;2002年获武汉大学化学与分子科学学院高分子化学与物理专业博士学位;2002至2005年在中科院上海有机化学研究所金属有机化学国家重点实验室作博士后, 2005年至今在15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料学院工作。在国内外刊物上发表论文一百余篇,其中六十余篇论文被SCI收录;已授权发明专利三十余项;获省部级科技奖两项;主持包括两项国家自然科学基金在内的国家、省部级项目和横向课题等二十余项。
1. 国家自然科学基金(批准号:21172269),新型非茂类同核和异核双金属烯烃聚合催化剂的合成和性能研究,2012-2015
2. 国家自然科学基金(批准号:20302011),含卤素取代基的新型非茂过渡金属烯烃聚合催化剂的合成及应用研究,2004-2006
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题(批准号:40830852),全新世南海珊瑚礁白化的频率与恢复周期,2009-2012
4. 中国博士后科学基金(批准号:2003033343),金属有机络合物的合成及其催化烯烃聚合研究,2003-2005
5. 2003年度上海市博士后基金,含卤素取代基的新型烯烃聚合催化剂的研究,2003-2005
6. 国家民委科研项目(批准号:05ZN05),新型烯烃可控聚合催化剂的合成及应用研究,2006-2008
7. 武汉市青年科技晨光计划(批准号:200750731301),新型非茂类烯烃聚合催化剂的合成及结构可控烯烃聚合研究,2007-2009
8. 湖北省自然科学基金(批准号:2008CDZ038),新型铁系乙烯齐聚催化剂及乙烯可控齐聚与共聚的研究,2009-2010
9. 武汉市应用基础研究计划(2014010101010017),新型非茂类双核烯烃聚合催化剂的合成及其催化性能研究,2014-2015
10. 横向项目(批准号:HZY14023),氯代甲苯氨氧化催化剂的研究开发,2014-2015
11. 中央高校基本科研业务费(批准号:CZP17040),甲基芳烃氨氧化的高活性长寿命催化剂的研制与工业化应用,2017-2019
12. 横向项目:(批准号:HZY21043),对氯甲苯氨氧化催化剂的研究开发,2021
13. 15vip太阳集团官网省部级科研机构重大招标课题(PTZD22007),高活性长寿命的氯代甲苯氨氧化催化剂的研发及产业化,2022
14. 成果转化:发明专利“制备2,5-二氯苯腈的方法和专用催化剂及其制备方法” (专利号:ZL201711329592.1)转让给武汉绿本科技有限公司,2022
15. 成果转化:发明专利“非茂类双齿双钒配合物及制备方法与用途”(专利号:ZL201711338878.6)转让给武汉绿本科技有限公司,2022
16. 横向项目:(批准号:HZY23041),对氯甲苯氨氧化催化剂开发与工业化生产,2023
2、张爱清、李琳、张道洪、谢光勇、刘书正、张俊珩. 材料化学战略性新兴产业人才培养模式探索与实践. 15vip太阳集团官网教学成果奖一等奖,2016。
3、张爱清、李琳、张道洪、谢光勇、刘书正、张俊珩. 民族院校材料化学专业“三阶递进”式人才培养模式实践. 湖北省高等学校教学成果一等奖(证书编号:2018105),2018。
1. 谢光勇,郑穹,黄驰. 用于氨氧化法制备大茴香腈的催化剂及其制法和用途. 专利号 ZL01106634.2 2003.6.25
2. 谢光勇,钱长涛,姜卫华. 含卤素取代基的β-酮亚胺类前过渡金属钛配合物、合成方法和用途. 专利号 ZL200510028047.X, 2008.4.30.
3. 谢光勇,钱长涛,姜卫华. 乙烯聚合催化剂、合成方法和用途. 专利号 ZL200510028280.8, 2008.1.16
4. 谢光勇, 张东方, 艾海涛, 雷禄. 含卤素的不对称吡啶双亚胺类铁和钴配合物、制备方法及用途. 专利号ZL200810174720.4, 2011.8.31.
5. 谢光勇, 艾海涛, 张爱清. 一种制备线性低密度聚乙烯的方法及双功能催化剂体系. 专利号ZL201010515021.9, 2012.11.14.
6. 谢光勇, 张爱清, 李金林. 一种纳米钒酸铬及制备方法和应用. 专利号ZL201210009878.2, 2013.10.23.
7. 谢光勇, 张爱清, 李金林. 一种纳米磷酸氧钒及其制备方法和应用. 专利号ZL201210009899.4, 2013.06.26.
8. 谢光勇, 张翔, 雷禄, 张爱清. 用于乙烯原位共聚制备支化聚乙烯的双功能催化剂体系及应用. 专利号ZL201210490377.0, 2015.4.1.
9. 谢光勇, 张爱清. 甘蔗渣/聚乙烯复合材料及其制备方法. 专利号ZL201310235043.3, 2015.08.26.
10. 谢光勇, 徐晓航,李龙, 刘公毅, 张爱清. β-酮亚胺配位的双核铜配合物、制备方法及用途. 专利号ZL201310173979.8, 2016.04.06
11. 谢光勇, 李龙, 刘公毅, 张爱清, 熊焰. 非茂类β-酮亚胺型三齿双金属钛配合物、制备方法与应用. 专利号 ZL201410391325.7, 2017.6.20
12. 谢光勇, 刘公毅, 李龙, 张爱清, 熊焰. 非茂类三齿双核钛配合物、制备方法及用途. 专利号ZL201410393654.5, 2017.6.16
13. 谢光勇, 肖骁, 罗德荣, 熊焰, 张爱清. 非茂类双齿双钒配合物及制备方法与用途. 专利号ZL201711338878.6, 2020.6.12.
14. 谢光勇, 黄驰, 游向前, 黄业迎, 熊焰, 张爱清, 李金林. 制备2,5-二氯苯腈的方法和专用催化剂及其制备方法. 专利号ZL201711329592.1, 2021.9.24.
15. 谢光勇, 黄业迎, 张倩, 郑浩, 熊焰, 陈川, 周新花. 氨氧化反应制备间苯二腈的专用催化剂及制备方法与用途. 专利号ZL201811544906.4, 2022.2.18.
16. 谢光勇, 张倩, 黄业迎, 郑浩, 熊焰, 周新花. 氨氧化法制备邻氯苯腈的专用催化剂及制备方法与用途. 专利号ZL201811543455.2, 2022.2.22.
17. 谢光勇, 黄业迎, 张倩, 郑浩, 熊焰, 张爱清, 李金林. 氨氧化法制备对氯苯腈的专用催化剂及制备方法与用途. 专利号ZL 201811543465.6, 2022.2.18.
18. 谢光勇, 李建, 熊焰. 氨氧化法制备对苯二甲腈的催化剂及制备方法与用途. 专利号ZL 201910243739.8, 2022.5.3.
19. 谢光勇, 董运召, 熊焰, 周新花. 制备2,3,5,6-四氯苯甲腈的方法及专用催化剂和制备方法. 专利号ZL 202010323807.4, 2022.5.24.
20. 谢光勇, 郑浩, 丁爽, 熊焰, 周新花. 氨氧化法制备2,4,6-三氯苯腈的方法和专用催化剂及制备方法. 专利号ZL 202010323817.8, 2022.9.27.
21. 谢光勇, 丁爽, 郑浩, 董运召, 熊焰. 氨氧化法制备2,6-二氯苯腈的专用催化剂及其制备方法和用途. 专利号ZL 202010323810.6, 2023.8.22.
22. 谢光勇, 郑浩, 丁爽, 董运召, 熊焰. 制备3,4-二氯苯甲腈的催化剂及制备方法和用途.专利号ZL 202010323822.9, 2023.10.13.
23. 谢光勇, 郑浩, 唐万军, 董运召, 熊焰. 纳米Cr2V4O13材料及其制备方法和应用. 专利号ZL 202110464630.4, 2023.7.18.
1. Senlin Ren, Xiao Xiao, Pingzhou Huang, Ming Zhou, Tingcheng Li, Qingliang You, Guangyong Xie*. Synthesis, characterization and ethylene (co)polymerization of binuclear vanadium(IV) catalysts based on xanthene-bridged bis-salicylaldiminato ligands. European Polymer Journal, 2024, 202, 112660.
2. Jiahui Chen, Wanjun Tang*, Qingliang You, Biao Xiao, Guangyong Xie*. Improving the blue emission from Eu2+ by codoping Re3+ ions (Re=Y, La, Gd, Lu) in NaMgPO4. Optical Materials, 2024, 147, 114578.
3. Mengyuan Xue, Lu Lei, Senlin Ren, Tingcheng Li, Qingliang You, Guangyong Xie*. Significant cooperative effects in binuclear titanium complexes based on trifluoromethyl substituted bis-β-carbonylenamine ligands for ethylene (co)polymerization. Polymer, 2023, 277, 125995.
4. Mengyuan Xue, Yani Luo, Senlin Ren, Tingcheng Li, Qingliang You, Guangyong Xie*. Phenyl-bridged bis-salicylaldiminato binuclear titanium complexes for ethylene (co)polymerization. Journal of Polymer Research, 2023, 30(1), 28.
5. Chuanqing Du, Yeyin Huang, Wanjun Tang*, Lang Sun, Qingliang You, Tingcheng Li, Guangyong Xie*. Spray dried VCrO/SiO2 micro-spheroidal catalyst for the ammoxidation of p-chlorotoluene. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2023, 49, 5361-5374.
6. Dongmei Zhao, Wanjun Tang*, Qingliang You, Tingcheng Li, Lang Sun, Guangyong Xie*. Catalytic performances of VPO/SBA-15 catalysts for ammoxidation of dichlorotoluenes. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2023, 49, 4367-4382.
7. Yunyi Liu, Dongmei Zhao, Wanjun Tang*, Tingcheng Li, Qingliang You, Guangyong Xie*. Hydrothermal synthesis of monoclinic CrVO4 nanoparticles and catalytic ammoxidation of 2-chlorotoluene. Catalysis Letters, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10562-023-04305-2.
8. Wanjun Tang, Hao Zheng, Yunzhao Dong, Qingliang You, Tingcheng Li, Guangyong Xie*. Hollow flower-like Cr2V4O13 hierarchical micro-nano architectures: Controlled self-assembly synthesis and the outstanding catalytic performances for ammoxidation of chlorotoluenes. Molecular Catalysis, 2022, 518, 112062.
9. Wanjun Tang, Yunyi Liu, Shuang Ding, Dongmei Zhao, Tingcheng Li, Guangyong Xie*. Solvothermal synthesis of micro-cuboid MoV2O8 for vapor-phase ammoxidation of p-chlorotoluene. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2022, 48, 4105-4118.
10. Guangyong Xie, Ming Wu, Wanjun Tang*, Tingcheng Li, Qingliang You, Biao Xiao. NUV-pumped red-emitting Ca9MnK(PO4)7 phosphor: energy transfer and charge compensation. Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 11851-11858.
11. Yunzhao Dong, Tingcheng Li, Xiangqian You, Qingliang You, Lang Sun, Guangyong Xie*. A Novel Approach to Synthesize Dichlorobenzonitriles by Selective Ammoxidation. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2022, 48, 1151-1158.
12. Yawen Qin, Tingcheng Li, Xiong Chen, Jian Li, Xiang Meng, Qingliang You, Guangyong Xie*. Asymmetric bis-salicylaldiminato binuclear titanium complexes for ethylene polymerization and copolymerization. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45, 11390-11398.
13. Jian Li, Liwei Wang, Yawen Qin, Qingliang You, Tingcheng Li, Lang Sun, Xiangdan Li, Guangyong Xie*. Binuclear Titanium Complexes Coordinated by Rigid p-Phenylene Linked Bis-β-carbonylenamine: Synthesis, Structure, Ethylene Polymerization and Copolymerization with 1,5-Hexadiene. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2020, 34, e5772.
14. Yani Luo, Jian Li, Derong Luo, Qingliang You, Zifeng Yang, Tingcheng Li, Xiangdan Li, Guangyong Xie*. Methylene-Bridged Tridentate Salicylaldiminato Binuclear Titanium Complexes as Copolymerization Catalysts for the Preparation of LLDPE through [Fe]/[Ti] Tandem Catalysis. Polymers, 2019, 11, 1114.
15. Yeying Huang, Tingcheng Li, Qingliang You, Xiangqian You, Qian Zhang, Daohong Zhang, Guangyong Xie*. Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline vanadium-chromium composite oxides and catalytic ammoxidation of 2,6-dichlorotoluene. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 39: 1814-1820.
16. Derong Luo, Yi Zeng, Xiong Chen, Ping Xia, Guangyong Xie*, Qingliang You, Li Zhang, Tingcheng Li, Xiangdan Li, Aiqing Zhang. Synthesis, Characterization and Olefin Polymerization Behaviors of Phenylene-bridged Bis-β- carbonylenamine Binuclear Titanium Complexes. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 6954- 6964.
17. Li Zhang, Xiong Chen, Xiao Xiao, Derong Luo, Yi Zeng, Tingcheng Li, Xiangdan Li, Aiqing Zhang, Guangyong Xie*. A Novel Tridentate [ONS] Binuclear Titanium Complex Bearing Oxo-bridged Macrocyclic Structure for Ethylene Polymerization. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2018, 856: 50-55.
18. Tingcheng Li, Zhi Lan, Guangyong Xie*, Derong Luo, Long Li, Shaofeng Xiong, Li Zhang, Lipeng Ouyang, Aiqing Zhang. Binuclear Titanium Catalysts Based on Methylene-bridged Tridentate Salicylaldiminato ligands for Ethylene Homo- and Copolymerization. Catalysis Letters, 2017, 147, 996-1005.
19. Liwei Wang, Xiangqian You, Qingliang You, Tingcheng Li, Aiqing Zhang, Guangyong Xie*. Synthesis and structures of mono(β-diiminato) copper complexes and their catalytic performances for homo- and copolymerizations of methylacrylate. Transition Metal Chemistry, 2016, 41(8), 857-866.
20. Tingcheng Li, Wen Song, Haitao Ai, Qingliang You, Aiqing Zhang, Guangyong Xie*. β-Diiminato Titanium Complexes with Varying Fluorine Substitution Patterns on the N-aryl Moiety: Probing the Effect of Ligand Substitution on Ethylene Polymerization. J. Polym. Res., 2015, 22, 631.
21. Guangyong Xie*, Xiang Zhang, Tingcheng Li, Long Li, Gongyi Liu, Aiqing Zhang*. Preparation of Linear Low-Density Polyethylene from Ethylene by Tandem Catalysis of Iron and Titanium Non-Metallocene Catalysts. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014, 383-384: 121-127.
22. Guangyong Xie*, Gongyi Liu, Long Li, Tingcheng Li, Aiqing Zhang*, Jiwen Feng. Tandem Catalysis of Iron and Titanium Non-Metallocene Catalysts for the Production of Branched Polyethylene. Catalysis Communications, 2014, 45: 7-10.
23. Guangyong Xie*, Wen Song, Tingcheng Li, Xiaohang Xu, Zhi Lan, Yongsheng Li, Aiqing Zhang*. Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Behavior of Copper Complexes with Fluorosubstituted β-Ketoimine Ligands. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131(23), 41178.
24. Guangyong Xie*, Aiqing Zhang. An efficient selective synthesis of ethylbenzonitriles. Synth. Commun., 2012, 42(3): 375-379.
25. Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Xinghai Liu, Guangyong Xie*, Houbin Li, Chi Huang*. Synthesis of VO2(A) nanobelts by the transformation of VO2(B) under the hydrothermal treatment and its optical switching properties. Solid State Communications, 2012, 152: 253-256.
26. Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Min Zhou, Chi Huang, Chongxue Chen, Yuliang Cao, Guangyong Xie*, Houbin Li and Xinghai Liu. Controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of vanadium oxides with different nanostructures. Bull. Mater. Sci., 2012, 35(3): 369-376.
27. Guangyong Xie*, Aiqing Zhang, Chi Huang. A novel synthesis of tolunitriles by selective ammoxidation. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2010, 36(8): 969-973.
28. Hengquan Yang*, Zhancheng Ma, Yong Qing*, Guangyong Xie*, Jie Gao, Li Zhang, Jinhua Gao, Lin Du. A periodic mesoporous hybrid material with a built-in palladium complex: An efficient catalyst for the Suzuki coupling and alcohol oxidation. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010, 382:312-321.
29. Guangyong Xie*, Tingcheng Li, Aiqing Zhang. Highly active and selective ethylene oligomerization catalysts: asymmetric 2,6-bis(imino)pyridyl iron (II) complexes with alkyl and halogen substitutients. Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2010, 13:1199-1202.
30. Guangyong Xie, Yuxue Li, Jie Sun, Changtao Qian*. Titanium Complexes with β-Ketoiminate Chelate Ligands for Ethylene Polymerization: the Significant Influence of Substituents on Structures and Catalytic Activities. Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2009, 12:796-799.
31. Guangyong Xie, Changtao Qian*. Dramatic Electronic Effect of Fluoro Substituents on the Olefin Polymerization Activity of mono β-Diiminato Titanium Complexes. J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem., 2008, 46(1): 211-217.
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