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姓 名 刘书正

职 称 讲 师

单 位 15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料科学学院

学科专业 材料化学与物理(高分子方向)

研究方向 无卤阻燃、磷腈功能材料






1. Shu-Zheng Liu,* Jin-Jun Qiu, Ai-Qing Zhang and Cheng-Mei Liu*. Microbelts and Flower-like Particles of Hexakis-(4-(5-styryl-1,3,4-oxazodiazol-2-yl)-phenoxy)- cyclotriphosphazene: Self-assembly and Photoreaction. RSC Adv.,2013, published on web.

2. Shu-Zheng Liu, Xiong Wu, Ai-Qing Zhang, Jin-Jun Qiu, Cheng-Mei Liu*. 1D Nano- and Microbelts Self-assembled from the organic-inorganic hybrid molecules: Oxadiazole-containing cyclotriphosphazene. Langmiur, 2011, 27(7): 3982-3990.



E-mail: shuzhengl@163.com

通讯地址 武汉市洪山区民族大道708号,邮编: 430074