姓 名 李廷成
职 称 副教授
单 位 15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料科学学院
学科专业 表面化学、材料化学、高分子物理
研究方向 高分子/纳米复合材料、光电高分子材料
李廷成,副教授,男,2004年4月毕业于新加坡国立大学化学系,表面化学专业,获理学博士学位。2004年5月至2006年6月于复旦大学先进材料国家实验室做博士后研究, 从事光电高分子材料及复合材料的研究工作。2006年7月至今,在15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料科学学院, 从事科研与教学工作。
- Isolation and Identification of Surface-Bound Acetone Enolate on Ni(111)
Sim, Wee-Sun*; Li, Ting-Cheng; Yang, Peng-Xiang; Yeo, Boon-Siang.
Journal of the American Chemical Society ?(2002), 124(18), 4970-4971.
- Effect of Clay Addition on the Morphology and Thermal Behavior of Polyamide 6
Ting-Cheng Li; Jianhua Ma, Min Wang, Wuiwui Chauhari Tjiu, Tianxi Liu*, Wei Huang
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, in press.
- Structure and Catalytic Properties of Vanadium Oxide Supported on Mesocellulous Silica Foams for
the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene
Yong-Mei Liu, Wei-Liang Feng, Ting-Cheng Li, He-Yong He, Wei-Lin Dai, Wei Huang, Yong Cao*,
Kang-Nian Fan
Journal of Catalysis, 239 (2006) 125–136
- A Morphology and Wettability Tunable Two-Dimensional Superstructure Assembled by Hydrogen
Bonding and Hydrophobic Interactions
Yifeng Zhou, Tao Yi*, Tingcheng Li, Zhiguo Zhou, Fuyou Li, Wei Huang, Chunhui Huang*,
Chemistry of Materials, 2006,18 (13),2974-2981
- Low-Temperature Strategy to Synthesize Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silicas with Very Large Pores
Jie Fan, Chengzhong Yu, Jie Lei, Qiang Zhang, Tingcheng Li, Bo Tu, Wuzong Zhou, and Dongyuan Zhao*
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005), 127, 10794-10795
- ATRP Synthesis of Oligofluorene-based Liquid Crystalline Conjugated Block Copolymers
Xinfei Yu, Su Lu, Chun Ye, Tingcheng Li, Tianxi Liu,* Shaoyong Liu, Quli Fan, Er-Qiang Chen, and Wei Huang*
Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 1364-1375
- Morphological and X-ray Diffraction Studies of Crystalline Hydroxyapatite Reinforced Polycaprolactone
Avinash Baji, Shing-Chung Wong*, Tianxi Liu, Tingcheng Li, T.S. Srivatsan
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, in press.
- Optimization of Optoelectronic Property and Device Efficiency of Polyfluorenes by Tuning Structure
and Morphology
Peng Chen, Guizhong Yang, Tianxi Liu*, Tingcheng Li, Min Wang, Wei Huang*
Polymer International, 55:473–490 (2006)
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