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刘文龙:男,博士,汉族,19883月出生。2012年毕业于郑州大学材料科学与工程专业,获工学学士学位;2015年毕业于西北工业大学生物医学工程专业,获工学硕士学位;2019年毕业于武汉大学高分子化学与物理专业,获理学博士学位。20197月进入15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料学院工作。主要开展生物材料和合成材料的复合材料研究,用于肿瘤的光动力学治疗,光热治疗和免疫治疗等。在《Nature Communications》、《Advanced Materials》、《ACS Nano》、《Small》、《Biomaterials》等杂志发表SCI科研论文10余篇。


  1. Liu, W. L.; Zou, M. Z.; Liu, T.; Zeng, J. Y.; Li, X.; Yu, W. Y.; Feng, J.; Zhang, X. Z., Cytomembrane nanovaccines by mimicking tumor cells and antigen presenting cells. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10 (1), 3199.

  2. Liu, W. L.; Liu, T.; Zou, M. Z.; Yu, W. Y.; Li, C. X.; He, Z. Y.; Zhang, M. K.; Liu, M. D.; Li, Z. H.; Feng, J.; Zhang, X. Z., Aggressive Man-Made Red Blood Cells for Hypoxia-Resistant Photodynamic Therapy. Adv. Mater. 2018, 30 (35), 1802006.

  3. Liu, W. L.; Zou, M. Z.; Liu, T.; Zeng, J. Y.; Li, X.; Yu, W. Y.; Feng, J.; Zhang, X. Z., Expandable Immunotherapeutic Nanoplatforms Engineered from Cytomembranes of Hybrid Cells Derived from Cancer Cells and Dendritic Cell. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31 (18), 1900499

  4. Zou, M.-Z.; Liu, W.L.; Gao, F.; Bai, X.-F.; Chen, H.-S.; Zeng, X.; Zhang, X.-Z., Artificial Natural Killer Cells for Specific Tumor Inhibition and Renegade Macrophage Re-Education. 0 (0), 1904495.

  5. Zou, M. Z.; Liu, W. L.; Li, C. X.; Zheng, D. W.; Zeng, J. Y.; Gao, F.; Ye, J. J.; Zhang, X. Z., A Multifunctional Biomimetic Nanoplatform for Relieving Hypoxia to Enhance Chemotherapy and Inhibit the PD-1/PD-L1 Axis. Small 2018, 14 (28), 1801120.

  6. Liu, T.; Liu, W. L.; Zhang, M. K.; Yu, W.; Gao, F.; Li, C.; Wang, S. B.; Feng, J.; Zhang, X. Z., Ferrous-Supply-Regeneration Nanoengineering for Cancer-Cell-Specific Ferroptosis in Combination with Imaging-Guided Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (12), 12181−12192.

  7. Zhang, C.; Liu, W. L.; Bai, X. F.; Cheng, S. X.; Zhong, Z. L.; Zhang, X. Z., A hybrid nanomaterial with NIR-induced heat and associated hydroxyl radical generation for synergistic tumor therapy. Biomaterials 2019, 199, 1-9.

  8. Deng, R.-H.; Zou, M.-Z.; Zheng, D.; Peng, S.-Y.; Liu, W.L; Bai, X.-F.; Chen, H.-S.; Sun, Y.; Zhou, P.-H.; Zhang, X.-Z., Nanoparticles from Cuttlefish Ink Inhibit Tumor Growth by Synergizing Immunotherapy and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (8), 8618-8629.

  9. Liu, T.; Zhang, M. K.; Liu, W.L.; Zeng, X.; Song, X.; Yang, X.; Zhang, X.; Feng, J., Metal Ion/Tannic Acid Assembly as a Versatile Photothermal Platform in Engineering Multimodal Nanotheranostics for Advanced Applications. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (4), 3917-3927.

  10. Li, S. Y.; Cheng, H.; Xie, B. R.; Qiu, W. X.; Zeng, J. Y.; Li, C. X.; Wan, S. S.; Zhang, L.; Liu, W.L.; Zhang, X. Z., Cancer Cell Membrane Camouflaged Cascade Bioreactor for Cancer Targeted Starvation and Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Nano 2017, 11 (7), 7006-7018.

  11. Li, S. Y.; Xie, B. R.; Cheng, H.; Li, C. X.; Zhang, M. K.; Qiu, W. X.; Liu, W.L.; Wang, X. S.; Zhang, X. Z., A biomimetic theranostic O2-meter for cancer targeted photodynamic therapy and phosphorescence imaging. Biomaterials 2018, 151, 1-12.

  12. Yu, W. Y.; Liu, T.; Zhang, M. K.; Wang, Z. X.; Ye, J. J.; Li, C. X.; Liu, W.L.; Li, R. Q,; Feng, J.; Zhang, X. Z., O2 Economizer for Inhibiting Cell Respiration To Combat the Hypoxia Obstacle in Tumor Treatments. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (2), 1784-1794.


