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职历:1993.7~2003.9,就职于武汉大学化学系,及先后更名的化学学院、化学与环境科学学院、化学与分子科学学院。历任助教及讲师等教职。2000.7~2001.7,作为交换教师访问日本国创价大学工学部。2006.9~2009.3,  作为博士后研究人员在美国北达科达州立大学化学及分子生物学系从事有关研究工作。2009.6~,任教于15vip太阳集团官网




1)      A new chiral N-heterocyclic carbene silver(I) cylinder: synthesis, crystal structure and catalytic properties,

Wang, Dehui; Zhang, Bingguang*; He, Cheng; Wu, Pengyan; Duan, Chunying Chem. Commun. 2010, 4728-4730.

2)      Broadband Nonlinear Absorbing Platinum 2,2’-Bipyridine Complex Bearing 2-(Benzothiazol-2’-yl)-9,9-diethyl-7-ethynylfluorene Ligands,

Wenfang Sun,* Bingguang Zhang, Yunjing Li, Timothy M. Pritchett, Zhongjing Li, and Joy E. Haley

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3)      Excited-state absorption of a bipyridyl platinum(II) complex with alkynyl-benzothiazolylfluorene units

Pritchett, Timothy M.; Sun, Wenfang; Zhang, Bingguang; Ferry, Michael J.; Li, Yunjing; Haley, Joy E.; Mackie, David M.; Shensky, William, III; Mott, Andrew G.

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4)  Host–guest complexation of a fluorescent and electrochemical chemsensor for fluoride anion

Bing-guang Zhang, Jian Xu, Yong-gang Zhao, Chun-ying Duan,* Xin Cao and Qing-jin Meng

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5)  Imidazolidinium-based robust crypt with unique selectivity for fluoride anion

Bing-guang Zhang, Ping Cai, Chun-ying Duan,* Ren Miao, Long-gen Zhu, Takashi Niitsu* and Hakuai Inoue

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6)  A novel pyramidal multiple alkali metal cluster [K3(H2O)]3+ stabilized within a capsule containing 16-nitrogen donors

Zhang Bing-guang, Guo Dong, Duan Chun-ying,* Cai Ping and Meng Qing-jin

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7)       Novel highly symmetrical cube-shaped cation with 16-nitrogen donors,

Zhang Bing-guang, Mo Hong, Duan Chun-ying, He Cheng, Meng Qing-jin, Wang Zhe-ming and Yan Chun-hua

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