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学科专业 :无机化学

研究方向 多相催化,催化材料


赵燕熹,副教授,男,汉族, 19969月至2000 7 月山东师范大学化学教育专业本科; 20009月至2003 6 月15vip太阳集团官网分析化学专业硕士研究生; 20109月至2014 6月苏州大学材料与化学化工学部物理化学专业博士研究生;2003 7 月至20057月山东农业大学化学与材料科学教师;20058月至今15vip太阳集团官网化学与材料科学学院教师。






(1)Zhao Yanxi, Zhang Yuhua, Chen Jian, Li Jinlin*, Liew Kongyong, Nordin Mohd Ridzuan Bin, SBA-16-Supported Cobalt Catalyst with High Activity and Stability for FischerTropsch Synthesis, ChemCatChem, 2012, 4, 2, 265-272.

(2)Zhao Yanxi, Li Jinlin*, Zhang Yuhua, Chen Shufang, Liew Kongyong, Al-SBA-16-Supported Cobalt Catalysts for the FischerTropsch Production of Gasoline-Fraction Hydrocarbons, ChemCatChem, 2012, 4, 12, 1926-1929.

(3)Xiao Ping, Zhu Junjiang, Li Hailong, Jiang Wen, Wang Tao, Zhu Yujun*, Zhao Yanxi*, Li Jinlin, Effect of Textural Structure on the Catalytic Performance of LaCoO3 for CO Oxidation, ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 6, 1774-1781.

(4)、赵燕熹, 张煜华, 韦良, 李金林*, 水对SBA-15负载的钴基费-托合成催化剂催化性能的影响, 中国科学:化学, 2014, 44, 10, 1627-1632.

(5)Dai Lei, Zhao Yanxi, Chi Quan, Liu Hanfan, Li Jinlin, Huang Tao, Morphological control and evolution of octahedral and truncated trisoctahedral Pt-Au alloy nanocrystals under microwave irradiation, Nanoscale, 2014, 6,17, 9944-9950.

(6)Dai Lei, Zhao Yanxi, Chi Quan, Huang Tao, Liu Hanfan, Controlled synthesis of Pd-Pt alloy nanohypercubes under microwave irradiation, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 24, 5206-5211.

(7)Xiao Ping, Zhao Yanxi, Wang Tao, Zhan Yingying, Wang Huihu, Li Jinlin, Thomas Arne, Zhu Junjiang, Polymeric Carbon Nitride/Mesoporous Silica Composites as Catalyst Support for Au and Pt Nanoparticles, ChemistryA European Journal, 2014, 20, 10, 2872-2878.

(8)、赵燕熹, 林爱华, 黄涛, 高分子保护水热法制备高分散硫化汞纳米颗粒, 化学与生物工程, 2014, 31, 4, 20-23.

(9)Gong Haifeng, Zhu Junjiang*, Lv Kangle, Xiao Ping, Zhao Yanxi*, Templating synthesis of metal oxides by an incipient wetness impregnation route and their activities for CO oxidation, New Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 39, 9380--9388.


电话 : 027-67842752

E-mail: zhaoyanxi@126.com
