近年来主要从事医学图像分析、视觉计算建模与深度神经网络等方面研究,作为项目负责人主持了国家自然科学基金、总装备部预研基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、湖北省自然科学基金等多项国家、省部级的研究课题,作为主要人员参与了国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)等科研工作。在国际、国内权威学术期刊IEEE Trans. Image Processing、Pattern Recognition、中国科学等发表研究论文20余篇,申报发明专利10项。
1.Tang Qiling, Sang Nong, Liu Haihua.Learning nonclassical receptive field modulation for contour detection. IEEETransactions on Image Processing, 2020.
2.Tang Qiling, Yang Jirong, XiaXianfu. Medical image retrieval using multi-texton assignment. Journal ofDigital Imaging, 2018, 31(1): 107-116
3.Liu Haihua, Shu Na, Tang Qiling,Zhang Wensheng. Computational model based on neural network of visual cortexfor human action recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and LearningSystems, 2018, 9(5): 1427-1440.
4.Tang Qiling, Liu Yangyang, LiuHaihua. Medical image classification via multiscale representation learning. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2017, 79: 71-78.
5.Tang Qiling, Sang Nong, Liu Haihua.Contrast-dependent surround suppression models for contour detection. PatternRecognition, 2016, 60: 51-61.
6.唐奇伶, 桑农, 刘海华, 陈心浩. 视觉感知结合学习的自然图像轮廓检测. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2013, 43(9): 1124-1135.
7.Tang Qiling, Sang Nong, Liu Haihua.Learning to detect contours in natural images via biologically motivatedschemes. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013, pp.123-126.
8.唐奇伶, 龚红燕, 李艳西, 桑农. 融合上下文信息的血管造影图像增强. 电子学报, 2008, 36(7): 73-76.
9.Tang Qiling, Sang Nong, ZhangTianxu. Extraction of salient contours from cluttered scenes. PatternRecognition, 2007, 40(11): 3100-3109.
10.Tang Qiling, Sang Nong, Zhang Tianxu. Contourdetection based on contextual influences. Image and Vision Computing, 2007,25(8): 1282-1290.